Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top 15 Ways You Know You Are A Lance….

15. You can or at least attempt to burp the entire Alphabet.

14. Your sense of humor was mastered by a young age.

13. You have two volumes, Loud and Louder.

12. Your grandma kind of resembles Julie Andrews. Yes the hills are still alive with the sound of music.

11. Your cooking specialties include: Potato Salad, Porcupine Meatballs, Funeral Potatoes, Jello, and Apple Pie.

10. At a time in your life, you ran down the street screaming, “We’re out of water and I need to peeeeeee!”

9. You were obsessed with Yo Yo’s for an entire trip to Yellowstone as a child.

8. Your naturally good at everything.

7. You have a grandpa who can and will make up clever jokes about anything.

6. No matter what size you are, you have a hint of love handles.

5. You have a crazy love for Movies and Television.

4. Opening presents at Christmas time like a giddy child is still the highlight of your year.

3. You are referred to as either a brown or white.

2. You are not shy with displaying bodily functions regardless of who is around or where you are.

1. No matter how old you get, you find that giggling is still essential during family prayers.

Written by Kimba, Brown Lance #3


Dorothy & Tony said...

I cannot believe how accurate you have things with this top 15!!! I am laughing my A off over here!!! Wow!! I Love our Family!!

Cynthia B. said...

In regards to #7...where did the brick go?

Natacia Lance said...

This is Natacia and wow My favorite would have to be the obsessed with Yo Yo's at yellowstone haha! WOW I had totally forgotten about that. I am glad we are doing this because I don't have a blog. So are we suppose to post new about ourselves things like that? Just wondering. Anyways I think we should have a girls night soon. Do something fun with grandma and everything. Love you all!!

Vanessa said...

This is a time when I wish I was a guy because I would be able to say, "I almost freakin busted a nut I was laughin so hard!"
haha, man Kimba you hit it right on the nail!
Duh's in that stupid little annoying dogs mouth! haha :)

Cynthia B. said...

ya Toss, the blog is baically for updates and just fun random posting. Also, we can should post family events so we all know for sure when and where they are.

ABOUT US said...

ok, so I'm a Lance by marriage so I guess it's ok that I don't fit in any of the top 15....still in trainning!!! but you will never hear me burp the alphabet hahahaha!!!!

Cynthia B. said...

I'm totally with ya stef! I am not one to express my bodily functions everywhere!

Dorothy & Tony said...

Whatever! You know you drop the SBD's when we all are having a nice get together!!!

Cynthia B. said...

WHAT is an SBD?!

Dorothy & Tony said...

Silent But Deadly you homo!

April said...

Ha ha, this was hilarious!!! I feel sort of left out though because I'm not a Lance........... but many of these top 15 also apply to my Wilde family, okay????? I'm going to marry a Phillipino so I can have brown and white in my family because I'm jealous of that. Love you guys!